Monday, June 11, 2012

Are you Going to be FIT, or are You Going to be HEAVY?

Sure, we all like to sit on the couch and stay in our nice , soft bed just a little bit longer in the morning but, does our lack of movement give us the healthy, fit body we're looking for or does it keep us in the same unhealthy, unfit body year after year?

On any given day the decision to get up off the couch and/ or get out of bed and EXERCISE can be a tough one to make. I hear excuses day after day, year after year as to why people just "can't" find the time to workout.

Is it that you "can't" or  is it that you just really don't want to do what it  takes to get the results you want?

Nothing worth having comes easy!

 So ask yourself, "Do I really want to be fit and feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally?"

If the answer is, "YES, I DO!"

Then the first place you may want to start is the way you speak to yourself about EXERCISE.

We always think that we need to find willpower to do things we don't want to do, but what we really need is "WANT POWER".  If we want anything badly enough , we will find the time and a way to get it!

Consider exercise a reward that you give yourself everyday- something that you are lucky enough to  GET to do every day!

Picture your future self. Imagine the cost of not exercising- what you're going to look like and feel like, then imagine the benefits you will gain 1 years, 5 years, 10 years, and even 20 years from now!

Our future self will only be as good as the decisions we make today!

So what's your excuse?

Have you worked out today?

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