Wednesday, February 29, 2012


#1 NO FLOUR: Avoid anything made with white flour such as bread , breadcrumbs, crackers, baked goods, and white pasta.

#2 NO SUGAR: Stay away from sugary treats like candy, cookies,cakes and other junk foods. Watch out for added sugars in salad dressing, tomato sauces, breakfast cereals, and "protein" bars.

#3 LIMIT SALT: Do your best to steer clear of salty snacks. Watch out for hidden salts in soups, canned vegetables, cheese, soy sauce, and packaged rice mixes.

#4 AVOID PROCESSED FOODS: Eat as close to nature as possible! Stay away from foods that come in a box, or stuffed in plastic- they're loaded with chemicals and additives and addictive sigars and salts.

#5 DRINK WATER: Without water, there is no life, without water, this plan will not work. Drink 8- 10 oz. glasses per day at least. More if you can.

#6 FRUITS ANSD VEGETABLES: Enjoy fruits before 12 noon and green leafy vegetables after 12 noon. 2-3 servings of fruit- 5-9 servings of vegetables. If you feel hungry- load up on vegetables!

#7 POULTRY, FISH, LEAN RED MEATS, AND EGGS: Eat skinless chicken, turkey, fish, and 1-2 times per week lean cuts of red meat. Stay away from sausage, bacon, and processed luncheon meats, fatty marbled beef and duck. Egg whites are a great source of protein at only 16 calories per egg white- eat-up!

#8 HEALTHY FATS: A tablespoon of olive oil, canola oil, or coconut oil is a great way to take in some  healthy, hunger surpressing,  good for your heart essential fats ( just remember fat is 9 calories per gram).
Beware of fats such as butter, margarine, lard, and shortening!

#9 DAIRY PRODUCTS: Stick with skim milk, non-fat milk, Almond milk, or Coconut milk. Non -fat Greek yogurt, cottage cheese and low fat/low sodium cheeses.

#10 GRAINS: Enjoy moderate portions ( 1 slice of bread or 1/2 cup = 1 serving) of brown rice, barley, Quinoa , Ezekiel bread, and other whole grains.

Remembering that we can workout all day..... and if we don't watch our diet ... we wont see the results we want!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Unhealthy Eating Habits

The Disorders:
RESTRICTION: severe limitation of food intake, starving, skipping or avoiding meals, daily use of appetite suppressants or fat burners to lose weight.

OVEREATING: eating more than your body needs to sustain your daily activities.

PURGING: use of over -the-counter drugs , laxatives ( diarrhea), emetics ( vomiting), diuretics ( lose of fluids) to "rid" the body of food.



FAD DIETS: diet plans that cut food groups out and promise "quick fixes" without teaching you a nutrition plan you can live with.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How long do I have to workout to be "FIT"?

A recent study in the journal of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise found that short bouts of exercise   can be just as effective in burning calories and improving health as getting it done all at once!

If you are short on time ( as we all are these days!), don't think that you have to do 30-45 min. consecutive workout sessions to get the benefits you want!

Of course it is important to get 30min of moderate- intensity exercise 5-6 days per week- it may be easier to fit into your schedule if you workout like this:

* 15min. treadmill walk or run - first thing in the morning - before breakfast

* 20 min. dumbbell workout on your lunch hour

* 15min. stationary bike before dinner

It all adds up!   No excuses!