Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Problem with BMI

The BMI formula is a simple calculation based on your height and weight. This formula has been around since the 1800's and in the last two decades has gained popularity with doctors as a way to estimate a "healthy body weight" and mortality risk.

18 or below = underweight

19-24 = normal

25-30 = overweight

31-or more falls into the obese category

However, BMI does not distinguish between FAT and MUSCLE!
BMI only gives you an indication of how heavy you are overall.
This is a very poor model for fit , active people.

An example of this would be Arnold Schwarzenegger. In his prime he had a BMI of 30.2- "obese" according to calculation! Anyone who's seen Arnold at his best knows that he was all lean muscle, not fat!

Recent research has shown that BMI can also be a false indicator of overall health in other ways. At the American  College of Cardiology's annual Scientific Session in 2008, researchers presented their findings , which showed that individuals with a normal BMI can still have a high body-fat content, increasing their risk for cardiovascular disease and other health problems.



Monday, December 12, 2011


Want a Flatter Belly?

Weight Training can help STOP the spread of BELLY FAT!
A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition had overweight women (ages 25-44) engage in twice per week strength training sessions and a  control group was advised to do Aerobic activity. The strength training group lost more body fat in total, but they also had far less abdominal fat increases than the control group.

Since abdominal fat is one of the most dangerous kinds of fat ( linked to metabolic syndrome and heart disease), it is even more important to weight train and blast the fat away!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Ready in 30 minutes! Makes 4 servings

1 small sweet potato
6 tbsp. Parmesan cheese
1tbsp. canola mayo
1 tsp. Dijon mustard
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. ground black pepper
1 cup skim milk
1 tsp. olive oil
1/2 onion chopped ( optional)
1 cup frozen peas
2 cups cooked brown rice
1   7oz. can tuna  ( drained and flaked)

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees
2. Peel sweet potato, heat in microwave and mash well with a fork. Set aside
3. In a large bowel , mix together cheese, mayo, mustard, garlic powder, pepper, and milk. Add mashed potato and blend well to get a creamy , orange sauce.
4. Heat oil in a small skillet. Saute onion until soft ( about 2 minutes). Add peas. Add brown rice to re-heat. Then stir in sweet potato. Add tuna and mix to combine.
5. Place everything in an 8x8- inch baking dish and bake for 20 minutes. Serve on a bed of steamed spinach.

If you are making this for a family- just double all above. it tastes much better than it sounds!

calories per serving = 330
carbohydrates= 45 grams
protein = 25 grams
sodium = 274mg
saturated fat= 1gram
trans fat= 0

Thursday, November 24, 2011


100 JUMPING JACKS                                  







Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Misconception: If I lift weights, I'll put too much stress on my joints

FACT: Actually the opposite is true. Joints become healthier with resistance training.

Obviously overloading a joint can lead to injury. However, an appropriate program of resistance training, combined with reasonable progression in weight, range of motion, and proper technique can be the best thing to increase joint stability.

Simple movement or articulation of a joint provides nourishment by increasing blood flow to the joint you are working. Furthermore, the resistance strengthens the connective tissue (ligaments and tendons) which maintains the integrity of the joint and helps to prevent injury. Joints without consistent resistance training are weakened and vulnerable to injury.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Stress and Exercise

Stress is a natural response to the mental and emotional demands that we all face on a daily basis. Stress can take a toll on our physical and emotional well-being when it becomes chronic.

Exercise is a valuable tool for stress management, as physical activity facilitates the production of positive biochemical changes in our body and mind.

It is useful for us all to understand the physical responses that physical activity facilitates in order to counteract the effects of the stress response. A study reported in the American Journal of Medicine indicates that partaking in regular exercise reduces the amount of adrenal hormones that the body releases in response to stressors.

Exercise is a highly effective means to control stress. Participating in physical activity has these benefits:
* reduces the production of cortisol ( the hormone that increases belly fat)
* lowers the heart rate response to stress
* lower levels of anxiety from daily life issues
* people who engage in physical activity were generally calmer and exhibited better moods and stress control than those who do not engage in exercise, in other words , physically fit people are better equipped to handle stressful situations than those who are unfit.
* physical activity helps to promote the production of greater amounts of endorphins. Endorphins are powerful opiate proteins and neuro-chemicals produced within the body . Endorphins which are released as a result of exercise , help reduce stress, as they have potent positive effects on mood and behavior.
* people who exercise are less likely to report symptoms of depression and have a better out look on life.

As you can see, the benefits of a consistent exercise program go way beyond weight loss!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Eat Mindfully

Keep these tips in mind to get the most out of your clean -eating plan, and to see the best results!

#1 Stop eating when you are full:
Use the hunger and fullness scale before and during your meals ( 1 being very hungry , 7 being comfortably full). Learn to recognize stages of fullness by paying attention to your body, and stop when you are moderately full ( not stuffed!), about half way up the fullness scale.

#2 Focus on each bite, not the whole meal:
Pause with each bite to discern the different flavors and textures. This mindset will allow you to stop eating once you reach the bite that makes you feel full, rather than feeling the need to complete the whole meal.

#3 Minimize Distractions:
Don't eat in front of the TV, while driving or standing. Sit at a table, giving your meal your full attention.

#4 Write it Down:
Keep a log of what you eat and how you feel while you are eating. This will allow you to see how your surroundings, time of day, and  the company you keep ( friends and family you eat with) effect how much you eat and what types of food you may be consuming. Recognize and eliminate your triggers.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Don't Skip Meals

Failure to eat every 2-3 hours ( men every 2, women every 3 ) has it's consequences.

You will be risking a growing appetite and a subsequent binge by skipping meals when you go longer than 3-4 hours between meals. Your body will also go into starvation mode and hold on to every calorie you put in your mouth for these times of "starvation"! If you want your body to be a calorie burning machine, one of the most important things you can do is eat healthy foods regularly.

These days most people are so busy that they forget to do the most important things to improve their health and physique- eat and sleep!

Eat an apple or carrot sticks on your way home from work so that when you arrive home you aren't starving, and will have better control of your appetite and food intake. Eat a salad or bowl of raw vegetables before lunch and dinner, this will help control your portion sizes and high-calorie foods at meal times.
Get in the habit of sitting down for a few moments at the start of each week to create a daily and/or weekly meal plan ( grocery list).  This will provide structure to your daily meals and you wont feel so overwhelmed by what you may be eating that day.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Protein Bars

There are 3 basic types of energy bars:

*high carbohydrate bars
*high protein bars
*balance bars - contain a moderate amount of carbohydrates, fat, and protein

Carbohydrate bars are only needed if you are about to faint just before a workout or getting ready to run a marathon. They are filled with empty calories(sugar!).

Protein bars can come in handy right after a workout or when you need a snack to tide you over. They should not be used as a meal replacement unless you have no other option at the time ( real food is always best!).

When buying bars, look at the nutrition label. The fat content should be less than 6 grams and the saturated fat less than 3 grams.
The sodium content should be less than 200 milligrams and the carbohydrate content less than 5 grams. A few grams of fiber would be nice too.

Look for a bar with around 30-40 grams of protein per bar ( your body can not absorb more than 40 grams of protein per meal. Any more than that will be excess calories and stored as fat ).

Remembering that 1 gram of protein = 4 calories per gram.

One of my favorite bars is by EAS - Myoplex Low Carb Bar

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Self -Esteem Through Exercise

There are many ways to enhance self-esteem through physical activity.The key is to understand that fitness and wellness are lifelong processes, they represent continuums not end points.

*Focus on personal improvement rather than comparing yourself to others.

*Choose activities that you enjoy (running, walking, yoga, weight training ) allowing you to concentrate on your own issues and goals.

*Educate yourself about the role exercise plays in your overall health and wellness. This will help you better understand how to commit to fitness over your lifetime ( reading health and fitness books and magazines, and seeking the help of a  certified personal trainer can help you make the right decisions).

*Notice and list the positive aspects of how you look and feel due to your daily exercise plan( more energy, sleeping better, stronger) not just the # on the scale.

*Choose one realistic goal you have always wanted to accomplish and actually DO IT!  Success breeds success; when you accomplish one small thing, you feel you can accomplish something else. For example, if you have always wanted to run a 5k, go ahead and sign up for one and start running!



Monday, October 10, 2011

Cottage Cheese Pancakes- So Yummy!

Here is my favorite Pancake recipe! These pancakes will work with your clean eating plan. They are high in protein due to the egg whites, low-fat cottage cheese , and fat-free Greek-yogurt. I make them on the weekend and have them ready in the fridge for breakfast  during the week.

1/4 tsp SEA SALT
1/2 tsp CINNAMON


1. Combine first 5 ingredients in a medium bowl

2. Combine eggs,cottage cheese, and yogurt in a small bowl
Pour into 1st bowl. Stir until moistened.

3. Heat a nonstick skillet or grill -spray with cooking spray
Heat should be medium high.
Use use 1/4 cup of batter for each pancake. Cook until lightly browned on both sides.

4. Serve with fruit.

calories: 81 per pancake
fat: 2 grams
protein :7 grams
carbohydrates: 12 grams
fiber: 1 gram
sugar: 3 grams


Monday, October 3, 2011

My leg workout - posted for my friend Ruth in Rocky Mount, NC.

My clients and friends ( is there any difference?) often ask me what I do for my own workouts.
 One of my good friends in Rocky Mount asked me for a leg workout, so I thought I would just post the leg workout I did last Thursday and take care of two requests in one ( I  usually do my leg workouts twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday)!

Most women have a hard time showing muscle definition in their legs ( me being one of them!!). The best way I have found to define my legs is by working my legs hard twice per week(changing my routine each workout), running, 4-5 times per week , and cutting down on carbohydrates (4-6 servings per day of complex carbohydrates), and increasing my protein intake ( 1 gram per pound of body weight per day).

My workout for Thursday, September 29th, 2011 ( I write down all my workouts.....I know , I'm kind of strange, but I love this stuff!!!):

BODY WEIGHT WALKING LUNGES= 300 ( I broke them down into 50 each for 6 sets)
BODY WEIGHT SQUATS=300 (same as above)
LEG EXTENSIONS = 80/10 ( 80 pounds 10 reps for 5 sets)
LEG CURLS = 50/10  (50 pounds 10 reps for 5 sets)
STEPS = 25 FLIGHTS (skipping every other step)

RAN - 45 MIN.
ABS - ON BOSU = 100

There you go........... try it and let me know how you feel!

October 2, 2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Should I Be Sore After Exercising?

" I don't feel like I'm really getting a good workout unless I'm sore for several days after exercising"

This myth is probably the toughest to eliminate for some of my clients. However, the bottom line is that muscle soreness indicates physiological trauma, and is believed to result from inflammation and microscopic tears in the elastic tissues surrounding muscle fibers.

What muscle soreness does give us is sensory feedback.

As human beings, we want and need knowledge of results. The soreness is the information that convinces us that we have indeed worked hard.
Some personal trainers advocate that this trauma is necessary in order to develop muscle more effectively-"No Pain, No Gain " mentality. In actuality , the continued effort to ensure such soreness induces what is known as overuse syndrome. The best rule of thumb is to increase exercise time or difficulty by 5-10% after every 4-6 workouts.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Can I Spot Reduce?

On a daily basis I have clients come to me and ask " Can you help me with this" ( as they point to an area of their body that they don't like, belly, thighs, butt) or say as they point, "I just want to focus on this, this area is my problem".
 I then try to explain that we all have areas or parts of our body that we don't like that are just our genetic make-up ( we got our mom's giggly legs or our dad's small biceps, or grandma's big rear-end!).

We can listen to the late-night infomercials and buy the latest abs-roller or push-up machine, but this is not going to do anything but "burn" a hole in your pocket, not burn fat off your abs or  build your chest!

A well- rounded exercise program consists of training all muscle groups. The abs or thigh or chest muscles, which ever your problem area may be, can be strengthened, but weight or fat loss comes from the body as a whole and not just the areas that are exercised.

The real way ( no matter what you hear on TV) to minimize fat in one specific area is by cleaning up your diet and dedicating yourself to a complete and consistent  total-body program. There are no short -cuts but with some hard work, and commitment you can improve the overall look of your  "entire" physique.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

1 -Common Exercise Misconception

Misconception #1 - If I want to lose weight, I should just exercise aerobically and pick up the weights after I get the fat off.


Losing weight is primarily a factor of  calorie expenditure or burning calories. When it is conditioned, lean muscle tissue is the very organ of the body that perfers fat as the fuel of choice during aerobic activity. To condition muscle tissue , perform at least 20-30 minutes of resistance training 2-3 times per week. This will help your body to burn fat more efficiently when exercising aerobically and at rest.

 So-Pick up some weights!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wednesday night Body Blast class- Try this one out!!!!

You wont need any equipment for this workout, your body weight will do just fine!!
Congratulations to everyone who completed this workout last night! You guys ROCK!




Friday, September 9, 2011

Intensity, Intensity, Intensity- The way to burn Fat!

If you are looking to shed those last 5-10 pounds, intensity is the name of the game!
During your workout sessions you should be training between 85- 100 % of your maximum heart rate.

I am sure you have all heard the theory that low-intensity cardiovascular workouts are the best way to burn fat ( according to this theory , by working at just 70-75% of your maximum heart rate, you enter into your "fat-burning zone" , where your body is drawing predominantly on fat calories for energy). This theory is completely misleading and way outdated!

The reality is this: during physical activity, your body has 3 possible sources of energy: Carbohydrates-
 (glycogen- sugar stored in the muscles), fat, and protein.

Protein is always the last fuel used of the 3 energy sources that your body draws on.
But whether your body draws on its sugar stores or fat stores depends on the intensity of your workouts.
The harder you work out, the the easier it is for your body to process the fuel it needs to keep going. For a body training at a high intensity, the sugar stores are the most efficient source of fuel. But, this does not mean that you are not burning as much fat! By working out at a higher intensity, you are burning more calories  overall, so although your body uses a lower % of fat-calories to sustain itself through a high- intensity workout than it does for a low-intensity workout, the total number of fat calories burned during a high - intensity workout is going to be higher because you are burning more calories period! It's all about the total # of calories burned.
The bottom line is this: the main determinate of weight loss is the amount of calories burned, not the composition of those calories.
Also know that the harder you workout the more significantly you boost your metabolism for up to 24 hours after your workout! So, take it up a notch and see if those last stubborn pounds don't fall off!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Squat

Being able to SQUAT properly is essential to your well-being. The SQUAT can greatly improve your fitness level and keep your hips, back, and knees stable and functioning as you get older.

Not only is the SQUAT not detrimental to your knees, it is very helpful in the rehabilitation of damaged or delicate knees, due to the fact that SQUATS strengthen the quadriceps and this in turn stabilizes the knee. In fact , if you do not do SQUATS, your knees are not healthy (or fit) regardless of how free of pain or discomfort your knees are ( this is also true of  your hips and back).

The SQUAT is a vital component for a healthy, active life (and is done every time you use the restroom!!!).

One of the best ways I have found to teach my clients to perform a body weight squat properly, is to have them first stand over a bench or step and practice sitting down on the bench and then standing up again without locking the knees, body weight is over the heels, and looking straight ahead ( not at the floor), arms extended in front of their body for balance.

You can squat just about anywhere and the squat burns a lot of calories due to the fact that you are using and working the largest muscles in your body, the quadriceps, gluts, calves , and hamstrings.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


                                         10% GENES
                                         80% DIET

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What is Protein & How Much Do I Need?

What is protein?

Your hair and skin are mostly protein. Also of course your muscles, the oxygen carrying hemoglobin in your blood , and the multitude of enzymes that keep your body working properly.

Your body is home to more than 10,000 different proteins!

Proteins are long, intricate chains made from 20 or so building blocks called amino acids.
Our bodies are constantly making new proteins and because we don't store amino acids as we do fats, we need a daily supply of protein.

Some dietary proteins are complete ( they contain all the amino acids we need to make new protein). Others are incomplete, lacking one or more essential amino acids ( ones we can't make from scratch or convert from other amino acids).

Good sources of complete proteins are:
Low - fat dairy products ( such as Greek yogurt and cottage cheese)

Incomplete proteins are:
Vegetable proteins
That is why vegetarians need to eat combinations that complement each other, such as:
Rice and Beans
Natural peanut butter and whole wheat bread  (Ezekiel bread is a great choice)
Tofu and brown rice

How much do we need each day?
The latest guidelines from the Institute of Medicine set the RDA for protein at 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight or just over 7 grams per each 20 pounds.

Please note :
Taking in more protein per day than your body needs will not create "BIG" muscle gains and give you the body you want - but will be stored as fat!
 Protein = 4 calories per gram
 Carbohydrate = 4 calories per gram
 Fat = 9 calories per gram

Monday, August 22, 2011

Starvation Diets Will Not give you the body you want!

Here is the best way to give yourself the best chance at losing fat and saving muscle:


Because you strength train and do cardiovascular training, you actually need more food, not less.
How do you calculate how many calories you need per day? Use this formula:

Body weight x 11= # ( calories you need if you do nothing but sleep all day).
 # + calories you burn per day with activity and exercise (300-500 calories).

If you are happy with your weight- this is your # of calories per day.
If you want to gain weight+500 calories per day.
If you want to lose weight - 500 calories
Divide that # by 5 (5 meals per day).

Example: 150 pound female
150 x 11= 1,650 calories
1,650 + 400 ( suggesting that you burn 400 calories per day with exercise) = 2,050 calories
2,050 - 500 =1,550 per day to lose 1 pound per week
1,550 divided by 5 ( meals) = 310 calories per 5 small meals per day.

If you have questions, feel free to respond or call 859-523-2378

Monday, August 15, 2011

Put down the 5 pound weights!!!

Put down those little 5 pound dumbbells:
You need to lift heavier weights to see your body change.
Lifting lighter weights ( less than 70% of your maximum effort) for 12 reps or more is only going to produce muscular endurance without much muscle growth, meaning you will be able to lift for a longer period of time ( more reps) but you wont see much muscle growth or change in how you look.

To look "toned", you need to develop your muscle and lower your body fat.
This is achieved by lifting heavier weights ( 70-80 % of your maximum effort ) for 8-12 repetitions per set to muscle fatigue or near fatigue.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Love your Legs/ Leg day challenge

The # 1 complaint I hear from my female clients is........ "I hate my legs" "work my legs!"

Ladies ( guys you can do this too- skinny man legs are not attractive!) here is your twice per week leg workout:


Day # 1 (Tuesday)
Walking ( body weight) lunges  4 sets of 25 reps
Leg extension machine              4 sets of 10-12 reps
Lying leg curl machine              4 sets of 10-12 reps
standing calf machine                4 sets of 16-20 reps

Day # 2 (Friday)
Body Weight Squats                 4 sets of 25 reps
Stairs ( walk up the stairs , skipping every other step) 5 times (up / down =1 time)
Bench alternating step-ups ( holding 10-20 lb. kettlebells or dumbbells) 4 sets of 20

Remembering that we can't spot reduce! Diet and Cardio are major components!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Guidelines for "SAFE" Weight Loss

As a personal trainer, my job is to provide safe weight loss guidelines for my clients. I ask my clients to  remember that there are no easy fixes when it comes to a healthy, lean, fit body.

The guidelines I go by are:

*Provide a calorie intake of no lower than 1,600 calories per day.

*Include a reduction in fat intake to < 30% of total energy intake and emphasize fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean sources of protein.

*Include foods that are acceptable to you in terms of cultural background, usual habits, taste, cost, and ease in preparation and  easily found at your local grocery store ( real food!).

*Provide a negative calorie balance not to exceed 500-1,000 calories per day, resulting in gradual weight loss while avoiding metabolic distress ( calories in , calories out - burning more calories than you are taking in).

*Include the use of behavior modification to identify and eliminate poor dietary habits (keeping a food journal to see what you are eating every day!).

*Include an exercise program that promotes a daily caloric expenditure of 300 calories or MORE!

*Provide new dietary and physical activity habits that can be continued FOR LIFE to maintain the achieved lower body weight ( cross training, doing something different every day to combat boredom and challenge your body with new exercises).

Friday, August 5, 2011

How much weight should you lose per week?

Balancing calories consumed and calories expended during daily activity is the most important factor in weight management. Evidence suggests that it is healthier to maintain a small weight loss, rather than repeatedly taking off and put on weight (yo-yo dieting).

Most experts recommend a weight loss of 1/2 to 2 pounds per week.
This can be achieved with a moderate decrease in calories consumed ( no more than 500 per day) and moderate increase in exercise ( burning approximately 500 calories per day). This method should provide gradual, healthy weight loss.

One pound of fat = 3,500 calories.

Reducing daily calorie intake by 250 calories and expending 250 calories per day exercising would result in a loss of approximately one pound per week.
However, severe caloric restriction may reduce metabolism, making weight loss more difficult.

Try these tips for weight loss success:
* Keep a food / activity journal
*Plan meals and snacks (if you fail to plan you plan to fail)
*Seek a healthy support network ( a training partner or join a class)
*Develop a healthy reward system (not food!!!!- a massage, pedicure, new clothes)
*Avoid negative self talk (pat yourself on the back after a tough workout!)
*Commit to a healthy lifestyle ( not just for a few weeks to look good at a special event!)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Eat More & Exercise to Lose More Fat

Just about daily (for the last 21 years), clients have come to me with this #1 goal :

To lose weight! 

Most people go about this with the wrong idea and not feeling very happy along the way.

Many clients try the " starvation" method.

Please allow me to tell you why this does NOT work.

When you are overweight, your first reduction in food does bring about some weight loss. But if you restrict your calories too severely, your metabolism will slow down to meet the available energy supply.
To avoid starvation, your metabolism slows down, you lose muscle, and your weight loss slows , even on very little food.

The only way to jump-start your metabolism is to EAT MORE and EXERCISE . Eat frequent , small meals ( every 2-3 hours ) to keep your metabolic rate high.

Include a protein, complex carbohydrate, and a healthy fat at each meal.



Wednesday, August 3, 2011

How much time do you have to spend in the gym?

It actually takes very little time to improve your health significantly!

All it takes is 30 min. per day of a sweat producing workout to reduce:
* hypertension
* cardiovascular disease
* type 2 diabetes
* metabolic syndrome
* and certain types of cancers

You will also benefit from:
*stronger bones
*stronger muscles
*improved mood
*reduced risk of injuries
*increased energy
*improved mental health
*improved self esteem
* less sick days
* and a longer life

Do you not have 30 minutes in your day to feel better, look better, and avoid major medical bills?
Spend sometime  TODAY on your most important asset- YOUR BODY!

Oxygen Women's Fitness | Nutrition | Power-Packed Protein

Oxygen Women's Fitness | Nutrition | Power-Packed Protein

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Join us for Kettlebell

Here is Angela demonstrating a swing with two kettle bells.

Fad Diets- Part #1

It is estimated that Americans spend more than 33 billion dollars per year on weight loss products. Unfortunately, the majority of these weight loss techniques and fad diets are ineffective and sometimes dangerous.

Some "red flags" that may indicate a diet or weight loss program is ineffective or unsafe include:

* Guaranteed quick , easy weight loss for everyone
* Promoting "spot reduction" ( the only spot reduction is lipo suction!!!)
* Focusing on one specific food or nutrient (cutting out whole food groups from the food guide pyramid)
* Promoting weight loss without the use of exercise
* Using spectacular advertising claims and testimonials
* Promoting the use of supplements and /or weight loss pills

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Healthy Fats

  A tablespoon of olive oil, flaxseed oil or canola oil per day is fine ( and good for your skin, heart, and hair).
Beware of fats that are solid or seem solid at room temperature, like BUTTER, MARGARINE, LARD, and SHORTENING!


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Oxygen Women's Fitness | Nutrition | Low-Fat Garlic Baked Chicken

Oxygen Magazine's website is filled with free articles and clean-recipes. This recipe for baked chicken uses parchment paper, locking in flavor and moisture as well as making clean-up a breeze.

Oxygen Women's Fitness | Nutrition | Low-Fat Garlic Baked Chicken

My son even liked this chicken. My only qualm is that I had to cook it longer than the suggested time for the chicken to be fully done.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Sample Diet

Breakfast: 1 egg, 2 egg whites
                 1 slice Ezekiel bread or 1/2 cup oatmeal
                 1/2 grapefruit or 5 strawberries, or 1/2 cup blueberries

Snack : Protein drink or 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese
             1 small piece of fruit

Lunch: 1 grilled chicken breast or fish ( or can of tuna)
            1 can green beans or 2 cups of greens
            1 small potato or 1/2 cup brown rice

Snack: 1 cup low fat cottage cheese or *Greek yogurt
            1 tomato or *5 baby carrots or * celery

           * or 15 almonds or walnuts

Dinner: 3-4 oz. red meat ( 1x per week) , or fish, or chicken
             1 cup green vegetables

No carbohydrates after 4pm

Limit sugar to 25 or less grams per day

WATER= 80 or more oz. per day (.6 oz. of water per lb. of body weight)

Eat clean - 6 days per week. 1 meal per week EAT WHATEVER YOU WANT!!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

How to Maintain Muscle While Losing Weight | Mark's Daily Apple

How to Maintain Muscle While Losing Weight | Mark's Daily Apple

Fit Tip of the day

If you want to loss weight( body fat) and increase lean muscle:

DO NOT SKIP MEALS! This slows down the metabolism and when you do eat your body will hold on to every calorie you took in and save those calories for future starvation!

The only way to speed up the metabolism is to EAT!
Eat small meals every 3 - 4 hours.
              1,600 calories per day 5 small meals = 320 calories per each meal.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Fit Tip : F.I.T.T principle

To get the body you want you must employ the F.I.T.T. principle:

I=INTENSITY- amount of stress in the exercise- you need to be sweating and be glad when your workout is over!
T= TIME- DURATION- 20-60 minutes
T= TYPE OF ACTIVITY= Change it up! Our body adapts to whatever exercise we are used to doing each week. Do something different every day. This combats boredom and over use injuries.

Skinny-Fat | Mark's Daily Apple

Ladies, this blog entry about "skinny-fat" might inspire the weight-training weary among us to pick up those dumbbells.

Skinny-Fat | Mark's Daily Apple

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Body Blast

Angela walks us through some of our circuits for Body Blast:

Fit Tip of the Day

It takes 21 days to create a "habit". We can create "unhealthy" or "healthy" habits.
Continuing "unhealthy " habits keeps us unhealthy, feeling bad, and not liking how we look. The only way we become healthy is incorporating "healthy" habits into our daily life.
So, why not try something new?

My challenge to you is:

 First thing in the morning ( on an empty stomach) do 20-30 min. of cardiovascular training, ( example: running, jumping rope, walking, cycling-work hard enough to sweat!). This will jump start your metabolism for the day and research has show that people who work out in the morning have greater success with weight loss and sticking to their program.

Why not start today?
Let me know how this works for you!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The 4 main components of Fitness

To achieve and maintain the fit body that you want, you must include these 4 main components of FITNESS into your life:
#1 Cardiovascular Training - 3-5 days per week for 20-60 min. duration
#2 Weight Training - minimum - total body 2x's per week
#3 Flexibility training 2x's per week ( example - Yoga and / or Pilates)
#4 DIET- 80% of what you look like is what you EAT! You can not out train a poor diet!

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Welcome to Personal Best.

Angela will be using this blog to provide fitness and nutritional advice to all of her clients. We also hope to make this blog a source of inspiration and motivation to all embarked on the journey of personal fitness.

Do you have a question you'd like Angela to answer on this blog? If so, email her at personalbestangela@gmail.com.

Also, please visit us at personalbestlex.com.