Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Squat

Being able to SQUAT properly is essential to your well-being. The SQUAT can greatly improve your fitness level and keep your hips, back, and knees stable and functioning as you get older.

Not only is the SQUAT not detrimental to your knees, it is very helpful in the rehabilitation of damaged or delicate knees, due to the fact that SQUATS strengthen the quadriceps and this in turn stabilizes the knee. In fact , if you do not do SQUATS, your knees are not healthy (or fit) regardless of how free of pain or discomfort your knees are ( this is also true of  your hips and back).

The SQUAT is a vital component for a healthy, active life (and is done every time you use the restroom!!!).

One of the best ways I have found to teach my clients to perform a body weight squat properly, is to have them first stand over a bench or step and practice sitting down on the bench and then standing up again without locking the knees, body weight is over the heels, and looking straight ahead ( not at the floor), arms extended in front of their body for balance.

You can squat just about anywhere and the squat burns a lot of calories due to the fact that you are using and working the largest muscles in your body, the quadriceps, gluts, calves , and hamstrings.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


                                         10% GENES
                                         80% DIET

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What is Protein & How Much Do I Need?

What is protein?

Your hair and skin are mostly protein. Also of course your muscles, the oxygen carrying hemoglobin in your blood , and the multitude of enzymes that keep your body working properly.

Your body is home to more than 10,000 different proteins!

Proteins are long, intricate chains made from 20 or so building blocks called amino acids.
Our bodies are constantly making new proteins and because we don't store amino acids as we do fats, we need a daily supply of protein.

Some dietary proteins are complete ( they contain all the amino acids we need to make new protein). Others are incomplete, lacking one or more essential amino acids ( ones we can't make from scratch or convert from other amino acids).

Good sources of complete proteins are:
Low - fat dairy products ( such as Greek yogurt and cottage cheese)

Incomplete proteins are:
Vegetable proteins
That is why vegetarians need to eat combinations that complement each other, such as:
Rice and Beans
Natural peanut butter and whole wheat bread  (Ezekiel bread is a great choice)
Tofu and brown rice

How much do we need each day?
The latest guidelines from the Institute of Medicine set the RDA for protein at 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight or just over 7 grams per each 20 pounds.

Please note :
Taking in more protein per day than your body needs will not create "BIG" muscle gains and give you the body you want - but will be stored as fat!
 Protein = 4 calories per gram
 Carbohydrate = 4 calories per gram
 Fat = 9 calories per gram

Monday, August 22, 2011

Starvation Diets Will Not give you the body you want!

Here is the best way to give yourself the best chance at losing fat and saving muscle:


Because you strength train and do cardiovascular training, you actually need more food, not less.
How do you calculate how many calories you need per day? Use this formula:

Body weight x 11= # ( calories you need if you do nothing but sleep all day).
 # + calories you burn per day with activity and exercise (300-500 calories).

If you are happy with your weight- this is your # of calories per day.
If you want to gain weight+500 calories per day.
If you want to lose weight - 500 calories
Divide that # by 5 (5 meals per day).

Example: 150 pound female
150 x 11= 1,650 calories
1,650 + 400 ( suggesting that you burn 400 calories per day with exercise) = 2,050 calories
2,050 - 500 =1,550 per day to lose 1 pound per week
1,550 divided by 5 ( meals) = 310 calories per 5 small meals per day.

If you have questions, feel free to respond or call 859-523-2378

Monday, August 15, 2011

Put down the 5 pound weights!!!

Put down those little 5 pound dumbbells:
You need to lift heavier weights to see your body change.
Lifting lighter weights ( less than 70% of your maximum effort) for 12 reps or more is only going to produce muscular endurance without much muscle growth, meaning you will be able to lift for a longer period of time ( more reps) but you wont see much muscle growth or change in how you look.

To look "toned", you need to develop your muscle and lower your body fat.
This is achieved by lifting heavier weights ( 70-80 % of your maximum effort ) for 8-12 repetitions per set to muscle fatigue or near fatigue.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Love your Legs/ Leg day challenge

The # 1 complaint I hear from my female clients is........ "I hate my legs" "work my legs!"

Ladies ( guys you can do this too- skinny man legs are not attractive!) here is your twice per week leg workout:


Day # 1 (Tuesday)
Walking ( body weight) lunges  4 sets of 25 reps
Leg extension machine              4 sets of 10-12 reps
Lying leg curl machine              4 sets of 10-12 reps
standing calf machine                4 sets of 16-20 reps

Day # 2 (Friday)
Body Weight Squats                 4 sets of 25 reps
Stairs ( walk up the stairs , skipping every other step) 5 times (up / down =1 time)
Bench alternating step-ups ( holding 10-20 lb. kettlebells or dumbbells) 4 sets of 20

Remembering that we can't spot reduce! Diet and Cardio are major components!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Guidelines for "SAFE" Weight Loss

As a personal trainer, my job is to provide safe weight loss guidelines for my clients. I ask my clients to  remember that there are no easy fixes when it comes to a healthy, lean, fit body.

The guidelines I go by are:

*Provide a calorie intake of no lower than 1,600 calories per day.

*Include a reduction in fat intake to < 30% of total energy intake and emphasize fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean sources of protein.

*Include foods that are acceptable to you in terms of cultural background, usual habits, taste, cost, and ease in preparation and  easily found at your local grocery store ( real food!).

*Provide a negative calorie balance not to exceed 500-1,000 calories per day, resulting in gradual weight loss while avoiding metabolic distress ( calories in , calories out - burning more calories than you are taking in).

*Include the use of behavior modification to identify and eliminate poor dietary habits (keeping a food journal to see what you are eating every day!).

*Include an exercise program that promotes a daily caloric expenditure of 300 calories or MORE!

*Provide new dietary and physical activity habits that can be continued FOR LIFE to maintain the achieved lower body weight ( cross training, doing something different every day to combat boredom and challenge your body with new exercises).

Friday, August 5, 2011

How much weight should you lose per week?

Balancing calories consumed and calories expended during daily activity is the most important factor in weight management. Evidence suggests that it is healthier to maintain a small weight loss, rather than repeatedly taking off and put on weight (yo-yo dieting).

Most experts recommend a weight loss of 1/2 to 2 pounds per week.
This can be achieved with a moderate decrease in calories consumed ( no more than 500 per day) and moderate increase in exercise ( burning approximately 500 calories per day). This method should provide gradual, healthy weight loss.

One pound of fat = 3,500 calories.

Reducing daily calorie intake by 250 calories and expending 250 calories per day exercising would result in a loss of approximately one pound per week.
However, severe caloric restriction may reduce metabolism, making weight loss more difficult.

Try these tips for weight loss success:
* Keep a food / activity journal
*Plan meals and snacks (if you fail to plan you plan to fail)
*Seek a healthy support network ( a training partner or join a class)
*Develop a healthy reward system (not food!!!!- a massage, pedicure, new clothes)
*Avoid negative self talk (pat yourself on the back after a tough workout!)
*Commit to a healthy lifestyle ( not just for a few weeks to look good at a special event!)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Eat More & Exercise to Lose More Fat

Just about daily (for the last 21 years), clients have come to me with this #1 goal :

To lose weight! 

Most people go about this with the wrong idea and not feeling very happy along the way.

Many clients try the " starvation" method.

Please allow me to tell you why this does NOT work.

When you are overweight, your first reduction in food does bring about some weight loss. But if you restrict your calories too severely, your metabolism will slow down to meet the available energy supply.
To avoid starvation, your metabolism slows down, you lose muscle, and your weight loss slows , even on very little food.

The only way to jump-start your metabolism is to EAT MORE and EXERCISE . Eat frequent , small meals ( every 2-3 hours ) to keep your metabolic rate high.

Include a protein, complex carbohydrate, and a healthy fat at each meal.



Wednesday, August 3, 2011

How much time do you have to spend in the gym?

It actually takes very little time to improve your health significantly!

All it takes is 30 min. per day of a sweat producing workout to reduce:
* hypertension
* cardiovascular disease
* type 2 diabetes
* metabolic syndrome
* and certain types of cancers

You will also benefit from:
*stronger bones
*stronger muscles
*improved mood
*reduced risk of injuries
*increased energy
*improved mental health
*improved self esteem
* less sick days
* and a longer life

Do you not have 30 minutes in your day to feel better, look better, and avoid major medical bills?
Spend sometime  TODAY on your most important asset- YOUR BODY!

Oxygen Women's Fitness | Nutrition | Power-Packed Protein

Oxygen Women's Fitness | Nutrition | Power-Packed Protein